High yield credit
residential lending strategy

United Kingdom
Target geography
Property type
High yeald
Investment profile
Short term
Target duration

Strategy details

Lending strategy to provide secured, loans for residential projects.

The underlying developments are focused in the most liquid, in-demand submarkets across and benefit from the structural undersupply of new homes.

Visibility is enhanced and risk is mitigated by targeting those projects which are well-advanced in both construction and commercialization, and where there is significant security from equity cushions and additional developer guarantees.

Risk-adjusted returns

Loan income secured by residential projects with advanced business plans and significant equity cushions

Non-cyclical sector

The housing supply is suffering from a shortage of new homes as a consequence of and stretching back to the Great Financial Crisis

Resilient market

Strategy focusing on the most liquid submarkets and on mid-priced homes that have the largest buying pool

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